How Can Students Concentrate on Distance Education?

 Nowadays, when we are preparing to say hello to the 2020-2021 Academic Year, we will have to say hello in a slightly different way from the usual beginnings due to the pandemic. When it closed to schools in March, we thought that the schools would remain closed until the summer at most, then the pandemic would end in the summer and we would open the schools normally in September. However, unfortunately, this was not the case and the pandemic process still continues all over the world. In this process, it is not possible for schools to open normally. 

Actually, it is necessary to get used to new normals. For this reason, we should make distance education or hybrid education as active as possible and turn it into a form that students can benefit from. We cannot say that the distance education activities carried out by the teachers during the education process between March and June were very useful. Because parents and students thought that this process was temporary and would end in a very short time, they thought they were on vacation and had concentration problems. However, families, students and teachers should know that the next process will proceed in this way.

Families who accept that the process will proceed in this way should inform their children and teachers about how to gain distance education activities and self-study discipline from now on. Since the adaptation process of children will be very short compared to adults, they will start to be involved when they see what needs to be done next, and they will even gain the discipline of self-control more easily.

Primary School Students

The family should plan the process very well and proceed accordingly. In the period after March, students and families were in a dilemma at some points. The children who attended the distance education studies of the teachers and sometimes the study centers were exposed to much more content than the school. In order to manage this process well, it may be logical for the family primary schools to talk to the classroom teacher, follow the distance education lessons that the student has made, and get support with youtube lessons if necessary. In this process, first graders are very important and I think that parents with children in this class should proceed under the guidance of their classroom teachers.

Secondary and High School Students

High school and middle school students are the groups with the most dilemmas in educational activities. If our parents who are students at this age are in the exam year, that is, 8-12, and they go to institutions such as an outside school study center, will they follow the school or study center activities of these students? The answer to this question is a little difficult. When the school starts for these students, the teachers will start to process the lessons without boring the students too much, and by the way, not every student will come to the school, and there will not be much note pressure! Then it is most logical for students in these classes to concentrate themselves on the exam and adapt to the study center activities and courses. In other intermediate classes, our students can repeat the repetitions of the topics they have covered with their teacher over the internet and do evaluation activities.

As we mentioned in our article in distance education activities, the essence of the work is to accurately convey to our students that the next process will continue in this way and that we need to adapt to it. I wish you a good academic year.

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